Can I cancel my order?

Once your order has been placed successfully, you will not be able to cancel it.

How do I find the most suitable sizes and fit?

We recommend that you refer to our Size Guide to help you find the most suitable sizes for your products. Please contact us at for further assistance.

Why is there a second step needed to authorise my payment?

All payments made via debit cards will have two records, authorisation and settlement. Authorisation refers to funds held by the bank, and settlement refers to the process where the merchant has captured the fund that was on hold previously. Please note that you are only charged once although there are two separate records of authorisation and settlement. Please check with your bank for further clarification.

My payment has been declined, what should I do?

Please try again and make sure you’re including the correct information for login details, card number, expiry date, etc. If the problem persists, contact your issuing bank or try an alternative mode of payment. For further assistance, please contact us at

There’s an item missing from my order, what should I do?

Please check the invoice that was included in your package. If there is any missing item(s), contact us at

All orders will be fulfilled based on available stock. If a particular product in your order does not meet our quality checks or is out of stock, your order will be processed with the remaining item(s). Item(s) not included will be refunded accordingly.

How do I add items back to my shopping bag after cancelling my order?

All orders, including cancelled orders, will be recorded in your purchase history. To reorder, sign in to your account, go to My Account and then to My Purchases & Returns. Locate the View Order Details button that corresponds to your order. You can view the items you have cancelled and add them back to your shopping cart.