Placing an item in your shopping bag does not guarantee that the item has been reserved. Complete the checkout process to ensure you get your item(s).
To view your order information and history, sign in to your account, go to My Account and then to My Purchases & Returns. Track the View Order button that corresponds to your order number.
If you have opted for guest checkout, you can view your order information via the confirmation email sent to you. Please contact us at for further assistance.
Please check the invoice that was included in your package. If there is any missing item(s), contact us at
All orders will be fulfilled based on available stock. If a particular product in your order does not meet our quality checks or is out of stock, your order will be processed with the remaining item(s). Item(s) not included will be refunded accordingly.
i. For international orders, we are only able to amend the billing/shipping address ii. You can't amend the size/colour of the item(s); remove or add item(s); or change the payment mode
Once your order has been placed successfully, you will not be able to cancel it.
All orders, including cancelled orders, will be recorded in your purchase history. To reorder, sign in to your account, go to My Account and then to My Purchases & Returns. Locate the View Order Details button that corresponds to your order. You can view the items you have cancelled and add them back to your shopping cart.
After you place your order, you will receive a confirmation email from SOMETHINGI.COM within 15 minutes informing you that your order has been received. If you do not receive a confirmation email after 15 minutes (please ensure the email was not sent to your junk folder), it means we have not received your order and no payment has been received by SOMETHINGI.COM. You will then need to place a new order.
If you placed the order through your account, you can locate it on My Purchases & Returns under My Account. Please contact us at for further assistance.
All items that you previously added into your shopping bag under your account will remain in your shopping bag until you have successfully placed the order or removed the item(s) from it.
If your order was cancelled and your payment was captured, you will be refunded via your original payment mode. Please allow up to 14 working days for payment to be refunded. Once your refund is processed, you will receive a notification email. After we have refunded you, it might take up to 7 working days or more to see it reflected in your account. This depends on your payment services provider. If you have not received your refund after 7 working days, contact your payment processor directly for assistance.
If your order was not successfully placed, please check that the correct address, postal code and authentication code (if applicable) were used. Do note that periods (.) and commas (,) are the only recognised characters within the order fields.
Please provide a screenshot of the page where you experienced the error, or copy the error message and send it to for further assistance.